Dr. Ajeet Mathur

Advisory Services

  1. Design of ‘temporary learning institutions’ for Xerox, Stora-Enso, and Times Group to explore strategy and facilitation of strategy retreats for Bhutan Telecom and Sonata Software top management teams.
  2. Business Environment Analysis for SEACOMD subsidiaries of BAT Industries, U.K.
  3. Advising the CEO and top management team of a knowledge-intensive multinational Finnish enterprise on strategic management of organisational knowledge, intellectual capital, and business intelligence.
  4. Corporate Governance review in a Scandinavian firm to ascertain adequacy and robustness of systems and processes in managing cross-border value chains in Asia.
  5. Developing multicultural teams for managing institutional diversity and cultural differences in structuring and sustaining international business collaborations.
  6. Sensitising women leaders, and teams of women and men to politics of disharmony in the management of gender differences to build adequate systems and processes for effective functioning in business enterprises, not-for-profit organisations and leaders in electoral politics to overcome under-representation and explore more effective management styles.
  7. Managing change and transformation by facilitating organisational diagnosis in an Indian insurance company and enabling it undertake organisational restructuring and build systems and processes for corporate strategy and human response development.
  8. Capacity building for managing a first generation entrepreneurial family engineering business aspiring to treble its business volumes in three years through international business.
  9. Mentoring newly appointed foreign CEO of a British Chemical Multinational in India in structuring interfaces with heads of strategic business units and significant others in the business environment.
  10. Advising a French Foundation on establishing mountain universities in Central Asian Republics.
  11. Member-Secretary of the Committee to Review the Institute of Applied Manpower Research (IAMR) established by the Government of India to remandate the institution for 15-year human capital planning, labour market flexibility, interactivity between labour and product markets and curriculum design for vocations of the future and implementing the Committee’s recommendations by leading the transformation as Director, IAMR.
  12. Establishing a new private limited company in the European Union including recruiting its Board of Directors and top management team to manage the firm as a turnkey project.
  13. Closing Asia’s largest coal-tar distillation based naphtha producing chemical process plant in Jharia, Bihar when it was incurably sick.
  14. Managing Change and Transformation through management of technology and innovation in a German family business.
  15. Designing Management Development for Volkswagen, Audi Division.
  16. Designing a Programme for Channel Partners of Carrier Refrigeration and Airconditioning Limited
  17. Bridging Strategy and HR for East India Hotels (Oberoi Group)
  18. Succession Planning in a Family Business
  19. Strategy for transformation and internationalisation in a textile machinery firm
  20. Turnaround of a company in distress faced with “wicked problems”
Dr. Ajeet Mathur