Dr. Ajeet Mathur

Publications and Papers

A. Articles in refereed scientific journals

A.1 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2023) ‘Institutional Toxicity in Sticky Polarities’
Socioanalysis 24, 2023 31-50.

A.2 Mathur, Ajeet N. [co-authored with Salman Ali] (2022). When Failure is Neither Fatal nor Final: Understanding Re-Internationalization Processes. American Business Review 25(1) 50-82. DOI:10.37625/abr.25.1.50-82

 A.3 Mathur, Ajeet N. (co-authored with Anand Jaiswal and Salman Ali) (2021), “Antecedents to Firm Performance during Re-internationalization” Australian Journal of Management 47(3) 23 August 2021, 1-31. https://doi.org/10.1177/03128962211040134

A.4 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2021) co-authored with Jaskaran Singh, Gurbir Singh and Satinder Kumar, “Religious Influences in Unrestrained Consumer Behaviour”, in Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 58 (1) 22-62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102262

A.5 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2020), “Psychological containment of organisational toxicity and its spillovers” Organisational & Social Dynamics 20 (1) 60–78. doi:10.33212/osd.v20n1.2020.60

A.6. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2012), “Search for Inclusive Growth amidst Exclusive Appropriation in Manipur,” Economic and Political Weekly47, 9 (March 3, 2012), 61-66

A.7. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), “How product markets and labour markets affect each other: Challenges for policy research in China and India” in Manpower Journal Volume XLIII, No. 3, July-September, 2008, 1-19.

 A.8. Mathur, Ajeet N.(2007), “Whose Future? Dilemma of the Gandhian Eskimo”, in Futures, 39 (7), September 2007, 895-901.

 A.9. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2006), “Lost to Frankenstein Detail: The Unravelling and Salvaging of Strategy from the wonderland of Pixies, Goblins, Angels and Santa Claus” in Review of Professional Management, Volume 4, Issue 2 (July-December 2006), 10-16.

 A.10. Joutsimäki, Sari and Mathur, Ajeet N.(2006), “Managing International Cultural Differences, Or Doing As the Romans (or Finns or Indians Do?” in Review of Professional Management, Volume 4, Issue 2 (July-December 2006), 1-9.

 A.11. Mathur, Ajeet N. and Salmi, Anja (2006), “The politics of disharmony in management of gender differences’Vikalpa, 2006, 31 (3), 81-93.

 A.12, Mathur, Ajeet N. (2005), “Conflicts between sustainable economic growth and shareholder value in international value chains”, Fortune Journal of International ManagementVolume 2, No.1, 141-160.

 A.13. Mathur, Ajeet N.(2005),  “How small is beautiful and how large would be ugly ? The question of optimal size, spatial demarcations and risk calculus for sustainable local governance” (Federalism e sicurezza sociale: I problem dimensionali della governance locale nell esperienza dei paesi nordici, in Italian version), in Rivista del Diritto della Sicurezza Sociale  – Italian Journal of  Social Policy, 5 (2), 263-294.

 A.14. Mathur, Ajeet N.(2004),  “The Changing Role of the Firm with regard to Governance, Competitiveness, and International Economic Relations”, in Abhigyan,  Volume XXII, No. 1, April-June 2004, 24-31.

 A.15. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2004), “Bioprospecting opens up a megabillion industry”Biospectrum, 2004 (2) March, 36-39.

 A.16  Mathur, Ajeet N. (2004), “Designs of  Healthcare Trade” in Economic and Political Weekly, Volume XXXIX, No. 20, 2004, 2036-2048.

 A.17 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2003), “The Changing Role of the State with regard to Governance, Competitiveness, and International Economic Relations”, in Review of Professional Management, 2003 (1), 1-10.

 A.18 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2003), “Who Owns Traditional Knowledge”in Economic and Political Weekly, Volume XXXVIII No. 42, 2003, 4471-4481.

 A.19 Mathur, Ajeet N. (1999), “The Human Price of Enterprise”, ASCI Journal of Management 28 (2), 1999, 1-12.

 A.20Mathur, Ajeet N. (1995), “Industrial Restructuring and Labour in Post-Maastricht Europe” Decision, 1995, Vol. 21, No.4, October-December, 205-234.

 A.21.Mathur, Ajeet N. (1994), “Labour Market Flexibility: Holy Grail or Banquo’s Ghost?”, in Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Volume 37, No. 4, October-December 1994, 481-488.

 A.22. Vanhulle, Cynthia and Mathur, Ajeet N, (1994), “Managing a Nation: Who is In Charge? The Market for Political Control”, ASCI Journal of Management, 24(1), September1994, 1-13.

 A.23. Mathur, Ajeet N.(1994), “The Future of Trade Unions”, in Indian Journal of Social Work, Volume LV, No.2, April, 1994, 249-256.

 A.24. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1993), “The experience of consultations during structural adjustment in India (1990-1992)”, International Labour Review, Vol.132, No.3, 1993, 331-345.

 A.25Mathur, Ajeet N. (1992), “Technology Transfers and Organisation Development”,  Productivity Vol. 33 No.3, (Oct-Dec), 1992, 408-414.

 A.26. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1991), “Economic Restructuring and Labour Markets: Untouched Agenda” Decision, Vol. 18, No.4, October-December, 1991, 227-233.

 A.27. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1991), “Managerial Productivity: Is It Measurable?”,Sydenham Management Review , January, 1991 (Special Issue: Management Classics), 13-21.

 A.28. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1988), “In Search of Unicorns”, Decision, Vol. 14, No. 4, (October-December) 1987, 181-191.

B. Scientific articles in anthologies

B.1 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2024) ‘Academic Skating on Thin Ice: Mysteries of traversing the absurd, bizarre and comical pathways to the future’ (Chapter 11)  In R Rajesh Babu and Manish Thakur (eds) Managing India: The Idea of the IIMs and its changing contexts, New Delhi: Routledge,  177-200.    

B.2 Mathur, Ajeet N. and Sreekumar, Sandhya (2022). Around the World in Eighty Days: Some insights for health policies from Early Incidence, Fatality and Recovery Data of Covid 19. In Rachna Gangwar et.al. (Eds.), Infrastructure Development-Theory, Practice and Policy Section III: Measuring the Outcomes-Focusing on the ‘How’ to Ensure ‘Why’. New York: Routledge.106-117.

B.3 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2021) “Traditional Knowledge Heritage and Inter-generational continuities” in OBJ Yai and Viswanathan eds. Understanding Africa: Continuity and Change, India International Centre, Konark, New Delhi, forthcoming.

B.4   Mathur, Ajeet N. (2021) Countervailing power for civil obligations of the State in Nepal’s Constitution in Bipin Adhikary (ed.) A Treatise on the Constitution of Nepal,  Kathmandu University School of Law and Vajra Books, Lalitpur, 329-340.

B.5 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2018), “Distinguishing Revelation Politics from Salvation Theology in The Bhagavad Gita’s Message for Leaders and Managers” (Chapter 13) in Satinder Dhiman and A.D. Amar (eds.) Managing by the Bhagavad Gita 978-3-319-996-10-3 December 2018, Springer, Switzerland, 249-271.

B.6 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2018), “Spirituality in Management and Management in Spirituality: Connecting Inner and Outer Worlds” (Chapter 1) in Ramnath Narayanswamy, Yochanan Altman, and Sunita Singh Sengupta (eds.) Unbundling the Sixth Sense: Explorations in Spirituality and Management 978-93-84197-55-1 February 2018, Sampada, Bengaluru, 1-37.

B.7 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2018) “Two cultures? Frontiers of faith in Yoga and Psychoanalysis” in Manasi Kumar, Anup Dhar, and Anurag Mishra (eds.) Psychoanalysis from the Indian Terroir 9781498559416 January2018, Rowman & Littlefield, London, 145-164.

B.8 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2016), “Chemistry looks to the future at Innovassynth” in Rob Van Tulder and Alain Verbeke (eds.), The Challenge of BRICS Multinationals, Progress in International Business Research Volume 11, Emerald, London.

B.9. Chattopadhyay, Gouranga and Mathur, Ajeet N. (2012),  “Experiential Learning: The Indian Experience from the Proto-historic Period to the Present Times” in Eliat Aram, Robert Baxter and Aki Nutkevich (eds.) Tradition, Creativity and Succession in the Global Group Relations Network, Karnac Books, London, 2012, 23-40.

B.10. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011) “Sojourn in Vogonia: Seeding Ideas, Planting Processes, Designing Bridges” in Vijaya Sherry Chand and T. V. Rao (Eds.) Nurturing Institutional Excellence, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Macmillan, New Delhi, 2011, 236-260.

B.11. Mattila, S. and Mathur, A. (2011), “Corporate Governance: A Chair with too Few Legs?” In R.K. Mishra, M. Sahay, S. Jhunjhunwala, S. Bavirishetty (Eds.), Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Way of Life. Macmillan, Advanced Research Series, 2011, MacMillan, New Delhi, 238-251.

B.12. Mathur, Ajeet N.(2011), “Dare to Think the Unthought Known?” in Ajeet N. Mathur (ed.), Dare to Think the Unthought Known, Second Revised Edition, Aivoairut, Tampere, 2011, 1-32.

B.13. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), “Paradoxes of Globalization” in Ajeet N. Mathur (ed.), Dare to Think the Unthought Known, Second Revised Edition, Aivoairut, Tampere, 2011, 205-237.

B.14. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2010), “Ideas for Missing Markets of International Business in Rural Habitats” in Sanat Kumar Velayudhan and Guda Sridhar (eds.), Rural Marketing: Understanding Consumers & Development Issues, Excel Books, New Delhi, 251-277.

B.15.  Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), “The Shortage of Engineers and Technologists: Some Myths, Realities and Challenges” in Madhu Srivastava and A.K. Mathur (eds.) NTMIS at 25, Institute of Applied Manpower Research, New Delhi, April 2008, 45-52.

B.16. Mathur, Ajeet N. and Mattila, Sari (2007), “Intercultural Learning from ‘listening posts’: Embeddedness, Diffusion and Evolution of subnational and supranational metacultures in Finland and India” in S. Manikutty ed., Learning, Teaching and Research in a borderless world, Macmillan, New Delhi, 1-20.

B.17. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), “Why does inter-group distrust turn violent?”, in Sandra Dingli ed. Creative Thinking: Designing Future Possibilities, University of Malta Press, Malta, 240-248.

 B.18. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), “Paradoxes of Globalisation” (Chapter 10) in Ajeet Mathur ed. Dare to think the unthought known? Aivoairut Publishing, Tampere, First Edition, 2006, 205-237.

 B.19. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2006), “Dare to think the unthought known?” (Chapter 1) in Dare to think the unthought known? Aivoairut Publishing, First Edition, Tampere, 2006, 1-32.

 B.20. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2005), “The Hidden Competitiveness Dimensions in Government-to-Government, Intra-national and International Economic Relations” in M. P. Gupta ed. Management Challenges and Best Business Practice for effective E-government, McGraw Hill, October, 2005.

 B.21. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2005), “The Future of International Business in the Tampere Region” in Antti Kasvio and Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko (eds.), eCity: Analysing the efforts to generate local dynamism in the city of Tampere to meet the challenge of changing global economy, Tampere University Press, September 2005, 591-618.

 B.22. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2004) “Inquiring Minds and Inquiry Frames” in Partha Nath Mukherjee and Chandan Sengupta (eds.), Indigenity and Universality, Sage, Thousand Oaks, 2004, 171-186.

 B.23. Mathur, Ajeet N. and Matthan, Jacob (2004), “To serve or to rule: Paradoxes of shared authority and appropriated power in e-governance” in M.P. Gupta (ed.) Towards e-Governance, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004, 228-234.

 B.24. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2003), “What Knowledge is of Most Worth?”, Chapter 7, in  William Pinar, Donna Trueit, William Doll and Hongyu Wang (eds.)  Internationalization of Curriculum Studies, Peter Lang, New York, March 2003, 137-177.

 B.25. Mathur, Ajeet N (2003) “Who Owns Traditional Knowledge?”Frontiers of e-Business Research, Volume II, 2003, 295-314.

 B.26. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2002), “Is e-Business in healthcare injurious to health? Data protection problems concerning inversion of private and public spaces in designing and maintaining healthcare databases”, in Frontiers of e-Business Research, Volume I, 2002, 201-222.

 B.27. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2002) “Do we have to choose between employment security and labour market flexibility?”, (Chapter 3) in INDIA: Economic Reforms and Labour Policies, UNDP/ ILO-SAAT, 1996, 66-83.

 B.28. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1995), ”The Improbability of Full Employment” in Mihaly Simai (ed.) The Future of Work, Volume II, Zed Books, 1995, 154-177.

 B.29. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1993) “The Exit Policy Controversy”, in L.K. Deshpande and Gerry Rodgers (ed.)  The Indian Labour Market and Economic Structural Change, B.R. Publishing, 1993, 81-107.

 B.30. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1992), “‘Management Dynamism: Indian Experience”, in Ikujiro Nonaka ed. Management Dynamism: A Study of Selected Companies in Asia, Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo, June 1992, 53-103.

 B.31. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1990), ”The Dilemma of the Internal Consultant” in Pulin K. Garg and Indira J. Parikh (eds.) Organisation Design and Definitions, Volume II, Indian Society of Individual and Social Development, Ahmedabad, 74-85.

 B.32. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1989), “Impact of Structural Change on Employment and Wages-The Employers’ Perspective” in A.V. Jose (ed.) Employment and Structural Change in Indian Industries ILO-ARTEP, New Delhi.

 B.33. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1989), “Effects of Legal and Contractual Regulations on Employment in Indian Industry”, in Gus Edgren (ed.) Restructuring, Employment and Industrial Relations: Adjustment Issues in Asian Industries, ILO-ARTEP, New Delhi, 153-201.

 B.34. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1989), “Human Response Development in India: By Whom, For Whom?”, in Towards Organisational Effectiveness through HRD, HRD Network, New Delhi, 18-25.

 B.35. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1990), “Technology Diffusion and the Indian Labour Market: Barriers and Gateways”, in Gerry Rodgers ed. The Diffusion of High Tech and the Labour Market, ILO, Geneva.

 B.36. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1977), “On the Management of Change and Conflict in Organisations”, in Management Concepts and Techniques, Institution of Engineers, January.

C. Books/Monographs

C.1 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2025), European Trauma, World Scientific, Singapore, forthcoming.

C.2 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2025) The Behavioural Foundations of Economics, Springer, forthcoming.

 C.3 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2020), The Constitutional Law of Nepal, 978-906-544-9443, Wolters Kluwer, Netherlands.

 C.4 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), Finland-India Business Opportunties: Connecting the Swan and the Elephant 978-981-10-8018-0 Springer, Singapore.

 C.5 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2017), Horizons of Hope: Reviving Crafts Heritage and Providing Sustainable Livelihood to Artisans, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.

 C.6 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2016), Mysteries in Management, Penguin Random House, New Delhi.

 C.7 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2012), Strategies for the future: Understanding International Business, Random House, New Delhi.

 C.8. Mathur, Ajeet N. (ed) (2011), Dare to Think the Unthought KnownSecond Revised Edition, Aivoairut, Tampere.

 C.9 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2009), Nepal, in Roger Blanpain ed. International Encyclopedia of Laws Series, Kluwer-Deventer, Dodrecht..

 C.10 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), India’s Human Capital and a vision for IAMR, Institute of Applied Manpower Research, New Delhi.

 C.11. Mathur, Ajeet N. (ed) (2006), Dare to think the Unthought KnownFirst Edition, Aivoairut, Tampere, March.

 C.12. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2004), Missing Markets in World Trade: The Case for Sui Generis Protection of Traditional Knowledge, WTO-TRIPS series, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi, August.

 C.13. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2003), The role of information technology in designs of healthcare trade, World Health Organisation (WHO), Geneva and Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi. September.

 C.14. Mathur, Ajeet N., Ryynänen, Markku and Nystedt, Arne (2003), Communities at Risk,   (as first author, co-authors Markku Ryynänen, and Arne Nystedt), Series A1:Studies 48, University of Tampere, March.

 C.15. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2003), Labour Laws and Industrial Relations in Nepal, in Roger Blanpain ed. International Encyclopedia of Labour Laws and Industrial Relations, Kluwer-Deventer, June.

 C.16. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2002), Indo-French Economic Relations: A Study of Trade and Investment Potential,  Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi, September 2002. 

 C.17. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2000), What Knowledge is of Most Worth?, Series A1: Studies 47,  University of Tampere, Tampere.

 C.18 Mathur, Ajeet N. (1998), Finland-India Economic Relations:A twinning study of trade and investment potential,ETLA, Helsinki, 1998; second reprint, 2002.

 C.19. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1996), Labour Laws and Industrial Relations in Nepal, Kluwer, Dordrecht.

 C.20. Veugelers, Reinhilde and Mathur, Ajeet N.(1993), Foreign Presence of Belgian Companies, NR 9327, K.U. Leuven, Belgium.

 C.21. Van Hulle, Cynthia and Mathur, Ajeet N. (1993), Managing a Nation: Who Is In Charge? K.U. Leuven, Belgium.

 C.22. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1993), Industrial Restructuring and the National Renewal Fund in India, Asian Development Bank, Manila.

 C.23. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1993), Labour Institutions and Economic Development, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, New Delhi.

 C.24 Mathur, Ajeet N. (1992), Economic Restructuring and Employment Security in India: Separating Facts from Folklore, IIM Calcutta, January.

 C.25. Mathur, Ajeet N., Sinha Anup and Bhattacharya, Hrishikesh (1992), Economic Restructuring and Tax Reforms: The Unresolved Agenda, WPS-175(92), Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, February.

 C.26. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1992) Compensatory Measures During Structural Adjustment in India, ILO-LEGREL, Geneva.

 C.27. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1991), Industrial Restructuring and Union Power, ILO-ARTEP, World Employment Programme, Geneva and New Delhi.

 C.28. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1991), Employment Security and Labour Market Flexibility in India, ILO, Geneva.

 C.29. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1988) Green Signals, Red Flags and White Elephants: An Industrial Relations Perspective of National Choices and Consequences, Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, New Delhi.

 C.30. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1987), Emerging Issues of Employment and Wages in Indian Manufacturing Enterprises, ILO-ARTEP, New Delhi, 1987.

 C.31. Mathur, Ajeet N(1987),A Study of Contractual, Legal and Customary Regulations on Hiring and Firing in Indian Manufacturing Industry, ILO-ARTEP, New Delhi, 1987.

 C.32. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1986), Dynamics of Wages, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1986; Sangam Books (International Edition), 1988.

C.33. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1977), Industrial Potential of West Bengal (Volumes I, II and III), Tata Economic Consultancy Services, Bombay, 1977 (co-authored with Hannan Ezekiel, Sankar De and D. Saha).

D. Doctoral Dissertation and Other academic theses

 D.1 Mathur, Ajeet N., Ryynänen, Markku and Nystedt, Arne (2003), Do the Northern Lights Shine Brightly? Some Late Lessons of Early Warnings from Spatial Inequalities (mimeo)UNU-WIDER, Helsinki.

 D.2 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2001), Are Finland’s local communities sustainable without internationalisation? Series A3:35, University of Tampere, 2001.

 D.3 Mathur, Ajeet N. (1996), The role of institutions in complex humanitarian emergencies (mimeo), UNU-WIDER, Helsinki. 

 D.4 Mathur, Ajeet N. (1982) A Study of the Dynamics of Wage Determination of Industrial Employees, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Doctoral Dissertation submitted on 14.8.1982 and accepted for Ph.D. Degree awarded on 24.5.1983.

E. Other publications

 E.1. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2004), “Pienet kunnat elinkelvottomia?” (in Finnish, Are small communities viable ?), Alakerta, Aamulehti, Tampere, 5.11.2004.

 E.2 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2003), “Missing Markets in World Trade”From the Ivory Tower Series, Financial Express, New Delhi, 29.12.2003.

 E.3 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2002), “India And Scandinavia: Does The Twain Meet” (pages 2-64) in Scandinavia: Business beyond boundaries, Financial Express, July, 2002.

 E.4 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2001), “The Role of Information Technology in Designs of Healthcare Trade” (for WHO Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, Working Group 4 on ‘Health and the International Economy’), WHO Geneva, August 2001 (mimeo, processed).

 E.5. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1998), “India’s economic ties with Finland”The Pioneer, Lucknow and New Delhi, 17.9.1998, p.10.

 E.6  Mathur, Ajeet N. (1995) “ Palvelut:strateginen virhe vai sekaannus?” (in Finnish, Strategic Mistake or Confusion?), Yliopistouutiset, Tampereen Yliopisto, Tampere, Numero 32 Vuosikerta 34, 27.11.1995, p. 13.

 E.7. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1992) “The Impact of Industrial Restructuring on Labour”, in The Financial Express, New Delhi, 19.2.1992 and The Economic Times, Mumbai, 13.8.1992.

 E.8. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1988) “Why some unemployed are unemployable”Business World, February 15-28, 1988.

 E.9. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1988), “Human Resource Development: Do we have the Vision?”, in AIAET Journal (Special Issue), New Delhi, 1988.

 E.10. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1987), “Organisational Development- Unintended Consequences: Dilemma of the Internal Consultant’, in The Economic Times, 7.4.1987.

 E.11. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1985), “Organisational Development:A Blueprint for Efficiency?”, The Manager, September, 1-8.

 E.12. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1986) “National Wage Policy – A Glance through AICPI”Business Standard, Volume XII, No. 123, July 31, 1986.

 E.13. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1981), “Need for National Level Wage Policy”The Economic Times, Vol. XXI, No. 167, August 19, 1981.

 E.14. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1981), “Dimensions of Industrial Conflict – A Case Study”Proceedings of the Seminar on Conflict Management, Shriram Centre, Delhi.

 E.15. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1980), “Issues in Wage and Salary Administration”, Department of Industrial Management, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, December. (mimeo).

 E.16. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1979), “Organisation Development: Perspectives on Theory and Practice”, Department of Industrial Management, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, April (mimeo).

 E.17. Mathur, Ajeet N. and Chakraborty, Satyesh (1977) “Irrigation Pricing in West Bengal”,  State Planning Board, West Bengal April, 1977 (mimeo).

 E.18. Mathur, Ajeet N., and Kumar, Arun (1977), “On the Relative Backwardness of Regions” (mimeo), IIM Calcutta, 1977.

 E.19. Mathur, Ajeet N. (1976), “The Challenges for Public Administration in Developing Countries”, Seminar on Administrative Problems, IIM Calcutta, December 1, 1976 (mimeo).

 F. Working Papers and Conference Papers

F.1 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2024) ‘Civilizational discontents and maladaptations in socio-technical systems: Are uncommon futures inevitable at the cusp of the Anthropocene?’ ISPSO Annual Symposium Paper 6 July 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria.

F.2 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2023) ‘Life after Life: exploring the psychodynamics of regeneration’,  ISPSO AM Symposium, Johannesburg, 30 June 2023.

F.3 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2022) ‘Wicked Problems in Digitisation of Learning Modalities’, Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, 3-10 August 2022.

F.4 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2022) ‘Healthcare, wealthcare or stealthcare? Learnings from trauma’, ISPSO AM Symposium, Frankfurt, 1-2 July 2022.

F.5 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2021)’Where the twain meet: Frontiers of spiritual faith in the syncretic Indian traditions’, Indica Conference on Hinduism & Modern Psychology, 27-28 August 2021.

F.6 Mathur, Ajeet N. [co-authored with Sari Mattila] 2021, ‘Shut In, Shut Out: unexamined ‘otherness’ in repressions, suppressions, oppressions and expressions’, ISPSO Annual Meeting Symposium, Berlin, 9-11 July 2021.

F.7 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2021), ‘The Underworld of Organisational Toxicity’ Research Seminar at the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. 15 March 2021

 F.8 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2020), ‘Strategies for solving wicked problems of true uncertainty:Tackling pandemics like Covid-19′, W. P. No. 2020-04-03, IIM Ahmedabad https://web.iima.ac.in/assets/snippets/workingpaperpdf/12502768892020-04-03.pdf  (Ranked 1 among the top 25 IIMA working papers of 2020)

 F.9 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2020), ‘Learning From Failures and Successes of Foreign Investments in Finland’, Academy of International Business Conference, Moved from Hong Kong to Miami to Online, July 4-6, 2020.

 F.10 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2020), ‘Unregulated Corporate Misconduct and Limited Corporate Liability: What is the future of competition regulation when the twain no longer meet? ‘,Conference on Economics of Competition Law on Friday, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, March 6, 2020.

 F.11 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2020), ‘Learning from failures of Indian investments abroad: The touch of Midas or the curse of Bhasmasura?’ ANZIBA International Conference, Sydney, 17-19 February 2020.

 F.12 Mathur, Ajeet N. co-authored with Salman Ali (2020), ‘Understanding Re-Internationalization Process from Indian Cases’, ANZIBA 2020 International Conference, Sydney, 17-19 February 2020.

 F.13 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2020), ‘Who Owns Traditional Knowledge? Paradigms and paradoxes over inter-generational heritage of genetic resources, traditional wisdom and folklore’, International Conference on Understanding Africa: Continuity and Change,  India International Centre, New Delhi, February 10-12, 2020.

 F.14 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), ‘Struggles of Coping with and Defending against Organisational Toxicity’, 45th EIBA Conference, Leeds, UK, 12-16 December 2019.

 F.15 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), ‘The precarious livelihoods of women artisans in rural labour Markets of Gujarat’, 61st Indian Society for Labour Economics Conference at Panjabi University, Patiala 7-9 December 2019.

 F.16 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), ‘Dwelling in possibilities: the lengthening shadows of 2020′, Keynote Paper at the 10th Anniversary Conference of UNAI, Chandigarh University, 18 November 2019.

 F.17 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), ‘The Discovery of the Harmony Sensing Matrix: When the boatman rowed a sleepy dream-catcher to meet a blind architect’,’Conference ‘Pravah-2019’ organised by the Aastha Foundation for Human Learning and Growth, SAAICS Centre Bengaluru, November 16-17, 2019,.

 F.18 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019),  ‘Horizons of Hope and Depths of Despair’,  ‘Applied Behavioural Science (ABS) Summit 2019’ on ‘Humanness in Organisations and Society’ organised by the Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science, India,  8-9 November 2019 at India International Centre, New Delhi.

 F.19 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), ‘The Future of UN at 100: UN’s role in designing responses to planet-wide risks’, UN Charter Day Address, UN ECOSOC New York, 26 June 2019.

 F.20 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), ‘Institutional Toxicity in Sticky Polarities of South Asia’. ISPSO Conference at the Manhattan School of Music, New York, June 24-30, 2019.

 F.21 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), ‘Containment and spillovers of organisational toxicity in four culturally distinct contexts’. ANZIBA International Conference, Perth, 11-13 February 2019.

 F.22 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2018), ‘Countervailing power for civil obligations of the State in Nepal’s Constitution’, Conference on the Nepal Constitution (2015,) in the Conference Track ‘Fundamental Rights and the Constitution’, Kathmandu, 11-13 August 2018,

 F.23 Mathur, Ajeet N. and Mattila, Sari (2017), ‘Before the Beginning and After the End: the Triple Primary Task Dialogue Event’, Tavistock Festival to commemorate 70 years of the Tavistock Institute, Swiss Church, London, 20 October 2017.

 F.24 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2017), ‘Design secrets: discovering resonances from patterns of outer spaces inside our inner worlds’, Paper presented at the ISPSO 34th Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, July 3-9, 2017.

 F.25 Mathur, Ajeet N. and Mattila, Sari (2017), ‘For the ‘common good’? Secrecy of organisational processes in judgements about people’, Paper presented at 33rd EGOS Conference, Copenhagen, July 6-8, 2017.

 F.26 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2016), ‘Is ’Make in India’ constrained by Labour Market Regulations?’, XIth Conference on Public Policy Management, IIM Bangalore, August 8-10, 2016, IIMA Research papers in Economics Series, Working paper No.2016-03-57   (among the top ten papers to be downloaded)

 F.27 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2016), ‘Skating on thin ice: How to balance rights based public accountability, regulatory oversight as an obligatory governance function and the value of independence and peer evaluation in appointing judges and professors?’ Paper presented at ISPSO Annual Meeting in Granada, June 20-25, 2016.

 F.28. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2016) ‘Spirituality in management and management of spirituality:connecting inner worlds to outer worlds’, Paper presented at the International Conference on Spirituality and Management “Indigenous Models of Sustainability, Good Governance and Spiritual Transformation”, IIM Bangalore, January 4-6, 2016.

 F.29. Mathur, Ajeet N (2015), ‘Learning from failures of Indian investments in Finland’, 41st EIBA Annual Conference International Business after the BRIC’s Rush, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 1-3, 2015.

 F.30. Ali, Salman Siddeeque and Mathur, Ajeet N. (2015), ‘Theorising the Anatomy of Re-Internationalization Processes’, 41st EIBA Annual Conference International Business after the BRIC’s Rush, Rio de Janeiro, December 1-3, 2015.

 F.31. Mattila, Sari and Mathur, Ajeet N. (2015) ‘Understanding ethics and international business processes for teaching in MBA Programmes’, 41st EIBA Annual Conference International Business after the BRIC’s Rush, Rio de Janeiro, December 1-3, 2015.

 F.32. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2015), ‘Diasporic Indigeneity around ties and ruptures in alien meta-cultures’, 12th International ETMU Conference: Mobile Roots-Rethinking Indigenous and Transnational ties, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, October 22-23, 2015.

 F.33. Mathur, Ajeet N. and Kerai, Anita (2015), ‘Are there limits to human uses of human beings?’ 10th CPPM Conference, IIM Bangalore, August 3-5, 2015.

 F.34. Ali, Salman Siddeeque and Mathur, Ajeet N. (2015), ‘Re-Born Internationally! Do Past Antecedents Affect Performance in Re-Internationalizing Firms?’ AIB Conference, Bengaluru, June 27-30, 2015.

 F.35. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2015), ‘Human Uses of Human Beings: What happens to toxicity beneath hushed protests in cross-border value constellations?’ 32nd ISPSO Annual Meeting, Rome, June 8-14, 2015.

 F.36. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2014), ‘The unexplored dark abyss of international business’, 40th EIBA Conference, University of Uppsala, Sweden, December 11-13, 2014.

 F.37. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2014, co-authored with Samar Singh), ‘Strategy-as-practice versus strategy as formulated and implemented’, 2nd Pan-IIM World Management Conference, IIM Kozhikode, November 5-8, 2014. 

 F.38. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2014), ‘Foreign Investments as Nectar or Poison? Insights from Indian investments in Finland’, 4th Copenhagen Conference on Emerging Multinationals: Outward Investments from Emerging Economies, University of Copenhagen, October 9-10, 2014.

 F.39. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2014), ‘The strategic management of sustainable innovations’, Keynote Paper, 5th International Conference on Sustainable Management and the Power of Innovation, Gwalior, January 10-12, 2014.

 F.40. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2013) ‘Two cultures? Frontiers of faith in yoga and psychoanalysis’, Fortis Memorial Research Institute Annual Psychoanalytical Conference, Gurgaon, December 19-20, 2013.  

 F.41. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2013) ‘Horses for courses: Affect patterns of risk-taking in the context of institutional plurality and cultural diversity’, Indian Academy of Management Conference, Ahmedabad, December 12-14, 2013.

 F.42. Mathur, Ajeet (2013), ‘Emotional submergence of protest: A triumph of strategy or catastrophic risk magnification?’ EGOS Colloquium, Montreal, July 3-7, 2013.

 F.43. Batra, Safal and Mathur, Ajeet N. (2013), ‘Managing the trine of internationalisation, innovation and institutional distance in international business’, Academy of International Business, India Chapter Conference, IIM Bangalore, April 15-17, 2013.

 F.44. Mathur, Ajeet (2012), ‘Design or discovery? The “humpty-dumpty” risk in strategies of cross-border value chain organizing’, Paper presented in Track 28: Risks of Organising and Organising for Risks, 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland, July 5-7, 2012.

 F.45. Mathur, Ajeet N. and Mattila, Sari, (2011), ‘The Amazing, Bizarre and Convoluted, ‘Dialogues des Sourdes’ in Finland-India Conversations’, Finland-India Workgroup at the Anthropology Conference, University of Helsinki, October 7, 2011.

F.46. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), ‘Crossing Swords or Shaking Hands: The Dilemma of the International Collaborator’,Anthropology Conference, University of Helsinki, October 6, 2011.

F.47. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), ‘The Shadow of the Inconsistent Quartet of Privacy, Secrecy, Security and Harmony for Convergence in Global Mind-sets in Designing Cross-border Constellations’, Anthropology Conference, University of Helsinki, October 6, 2011.

F.48. Mattila, Sari, and Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), ‘Nature or Nurture: How Understanding Processes affects Business Ethics’, EBEN-2011, University of Antwerp, Belgium, September 14-17, 2011.

F.49. Mathur, Ajeet N. and Mattila, Sari, (2011), ‘Missing Value Assumptions in Missing Markets’, EBEN-2011, University of Antwerp, Belgium, September 14-17, 2011.

F.50. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), ‘The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organisational Knowledge’, Keynote Paper, MOLMED-2011, International Conference on Molecular Medicine, Charusat, January 9-11, 2011.

F.51. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2010), ‘The Elusive Search for Inclusive Growth amidst Exclusive Appropriations in Manipur’, Strategic Management Forum Conference Challenges to Inclusive Growth in the Emerging Economies, IIM Ahmedabad, December 15-17, 2010.

F.52 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2010) ‘Challenges for Women Leaders in Business and Public Lif’e, 4th International Conference, Desh Bhagat Institute, Mandi, October 7-9, 2010.

F.53. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2010), ‘The invocation of passions and powerbases in mindful knowing of Economics’, Second Power & Knowledge International Conference, University of Tampere, Finland, September 5-7, 2010.

F.54. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2010), ‘International Human Capital and Inhuman Uses of Human Beings’, European Business Ethics Network Research Conference, EBEN-2010, University of Tampere, Finland, June 14-17, 2010.

F.55. Mathur, Ajeet (2009), ‘The Search for Indian Management Paradigms: From mud huts, sailing ships and sealing wax to cabbages, kings, yojanas and SEZs’, Inaugural Indian Academy of Management Conference, XLRI Jamshedpur, 30 December, 2009.

F.56. Mathur, Ajeet N., (2009), ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Distinguishing management pathologies from organisational evil in cross-border value chains’, Paper presented at APROS 2009 Conference, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico, December 6-9, 2009.

F.57. Mathur, Ajeet. and Mattila Sari (2009), ‘India-Finland Economic and Technology Cooperation: Expanding Frontiers, New Horizons, Transforming Arenas’, An invited Background Paper for the 15th Technology Summit of the Confederation of Indian Industry with Finland, New Delhi, India November 25-28, 2009.

F.58. Chattopadhyaya, Gouranga and Mathur, Ajeet N. (2009), ‘Experiential Learning: The Indian Experience from the Proto-historic period to the Present’, Invited Keynote Paper presented at the Third Belgirate International Conference on “Tradition, Creativity and Succession in the Global Group Relations Network”, November 5-8, 2009, Milan, Italy.

F.59. Mattila, Sari and Mathur, Ajeet N. (2009), ‘Competitiveness and Collaborations in Internationalising Clusters: Scope for co-evolving and leveraging capabilities in business education clusters of Finland and India’, presented at the 12th TCI Annual Global Conference in the track “Learning Clusters – adapting to the new competitiveness scenario”, Jyväskylä, Finland, October 12-16, 2009. 

 F.60. Mathur, Ajeet N. and  Mattila, Sari (2009), ‘Competitiveness and Collaboration in High-tech Clusters: The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organisational Knowledge’, presented at the 12th TCI Annual Global Conference, Conference Track on “Learning Clusters – adapting to the new competitiveness scenario”, Jyväskylä, Finland, October 12-16, 2009.

 F.61. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2009),’ Ideas for missing markets of international business in rural habitats’, Second National Conference on “Marketing to Rural Consumers:Tapping the Evolving Rural Markets”, IIM Kozhikode, April 6-8, 2009.  (this paper won the Best Paper Award at the Conference).

 F.62. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), ‘When the Twain Meet: A twinning comparison of enmeshing clusters between Finland and India’, 11th TCI Conference 2008, University of Capetown, South Africa, October 28-November 2, 2008.

 F.63. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008),  ‘Designing the new inquiry frame for India’s National Technical Manpower Information System’, NTMIS Silver Jubilee Conference ‘NTMIS at 25’, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, April 25-26, 2008.

 F.64. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), ‘The gender burden on women in entrepreneurship and some clues to its management’, Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Women in Entrepreneurship, RATM, Mathura, February 2008.

 F.65. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), ‘The paradox of skills shortages amidst skilled labour supply abundance: considerations underpinning the design of inquiry frames for estimating technical manpower demand and supply in local labour markets’, Southern Regional Conference of the National Technical Manpower Information System, JNTU, Hyderabad , November 14-15, 2007.

 F.66. Mathur, Ajeet N.(2007), ‘The shortage of engineers and technologists: some myths, realities and challenges’, Invited Keynote Paper to the Fifth National Conference on ‘Role of Engineers and Technologists in the Fast Growing Indian Economy’, Engineering Council of India, New Delhi, November 5, 2007.

F.67. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), ‘Why some unemployed are unemployable? Challenges for Policy Research in Finland and India’, Second EU-EFA International Conference, September 7-9, 2007, Oulu, September 7-9, 2007.

F.68. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), ‘Finland-India Business in 2007: context, trends, prospects and challenges’, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, March 1, 2007 (Working Paper Series).

F.69. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), ‘How do labour markets and product markets affect each other? Challenges for policy research in China and India’, Paper presented at the China-India Joint Seminar on Labour Markets in China and India in the Era of Globalisation: Experiences and Emerging Perspectives organised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the ICSSR, at the Indian Council for Social Science Research, New Delhi, March 29-30, 2007.

 F.70. Mathur, Ajeet N. and Mattila, S. (2007). ‘Thinking versus Knowing: How unthought knowns embed collectively’ Conference paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (ICICKM) 2007, University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB), Cape Town, South-Africa (conference papers on CD).

 F.71.Mathur, Ajeet N.  (2007) ‘International Boundary Crossings and the Human Uses of Human Beings’ at the Second International Group Relations Conference on “Authority and Leadership in the context of Managing Change and Complexity in Organisations” organised by the Bion Institute in Hyderabad, India, February 18-24, 2007

F.72. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2006) ‘Institutional factors governing choice of GATS modes for services supply’ Conference Paper, 2006 ANZIBA, University of Wellington, New Zealand 16-18.11.2006

F.73. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2005) ‘Leveraging creative services through regional clusters: why some hubs fail and others succeed ?’ Conference Paper, EIBA, Oslo, December, 2005,

F.74. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2005) ‘Seeding and Harvesting of Innovations in Intellectual and Social Capital in the Organizational Context’, IFTDO, Cairo, November, 2005.

F.75. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2005) ‘Institutional factors governing Euro-India business’’, Paper presented at the 8th Vaasa Conference on International Business, University of Vaasa, August 21-23, 2005,

F.76. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2003) ‘Knowledge sharing in missing markets at the frontiers of biotechnology value chains in international business’, Conference Paper, EIBA, Copenhagen, Oslo, December, 2003,

 G. Seminars/Colloquia (not a complete list)

G.1 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2024) Advanced Seminar on Action Research Methodologies for Doctoral Scholars of IIT Roorkee, 14-26 October 2024

G.2 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2024) International Symposium ‘ The systems psychodynamics of DECOLONISING MINDS, CURRICULA, AND WORKPLACES for a better future’ 19-21 November 2024, National Institute of Organisation Dynamics, Australia.

G.3 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2024) Professional Development Workshop WHEN THE TWAIN MEET: New frontiers in working with groups and organizations, 1 July 2024 Sofia, Bulgaria.

  G.4 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2024)‘Civilizational discontents and maladaptations in socio-technical systems: Are uncommon futures inevitable at the cusp of the Anthropocene?’ ISPSO Symposium Paper 6 July 2024

G.5 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2024) Case Writing Workshop for NDIM Faculty Members at New Delhi Institute of Management 14-15 May 2024

G.6 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2024) Seminar ‘Frontiers of Action Research Methodologies’ for Faculty Members and Doctoral Students at Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee, 9 April 2024

G.7 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2024) Colloquim Consultation on Doing Business in Nordic Countries for Technology Innovators and Entrepreneurs at TIDES Incubation Centre, IIT Roorkee, 9 April 2024.

G.8 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2023) Seminar on Hermeneutic Research Methodologies for Faculty Members and Doctoral Students, IIM Raipur, 9 November 2023

G.9 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2023) Workshop ‘Beyond the Matrix: Cutting Edge Insights to design and develop organisations’ Professional Development Workshop: PDW7 Tuesday 27 June, 2023 9.00am to 4.00pm SAST at ISPSO AM 2023 (co-facilitated with Dr Sari Mattila)

G.10 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2023) Frontiers of Organisation Strategy, Leadership and Organisation Development (FOSLOD) for Business Leaders, Swisstown Bengaluru, May 26-31, 2023 (co-facilitated with Dr Sari Mattila)


G.12 Workshop for Uttar Pradesh Police on ‘Human Capital Effectiveness’ at Police Headquarters Lucknow 3rd-5th November 2022

G.13 Advanced Seminar on Action Research Methodologies for Doctoral Students of IIM Calcutta October 2022

G.14 Management Development Programme for Clarifying Primary Tasks and Roles in smart city projects, Rudrabhishek Enterprises, Noida, 5-6 September 2022.

 G.15 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2020), Authority for faith in inter-generationally communicated Indian traditional wisdom at INDICA, Applied Indian Psychology Summit, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, 13-14 February 2020.

 G.16 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2020), Finland-India Business Opportunities, Seminar at Aalto University, Helsinki, 7 January 2020.

 G.17 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), Doing Business in Nordic Europe, Book Release Function, Ahmedabad Management Association 4 November 2019.

G.18 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), Finland-India Business Opportunities, Book Release Function, India International Centre, New Delhi, 8 November 2019.

 G.19 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), New Horizons in International Business, Seminar at IIM Udaipur, 23 August 2019.

 G.20 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2019), What is process work? Sumedhas Educomm Colloquium, 14-15 May 2019.

 G.21. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2017), Consciousness and Practise of Dharma with responsibility and compassion, Fireflies Dialogues, Bangalore, February 5, 2017.

 G.22. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2017), Why do ‘developing’ countries seldom become ‘developed’?, Fireflies Dialogues, Bangalore, February 3, 2017.

 G.23. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2016), Unravelling Mysteries in Management, Research Seminar, MDI Gurgaon, December 16, 2016.

 G.24. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2016), Why do mysteries remain mysteries?, Book Release Function, Ahmedabad Management Association, December 15, 2016.

 G.25 Mathur, Ajeet N. (2016), Mysteries in Management, Inaugural Seminar in the Vikram Sarabhai Library Seminar Series, December 15, 2016.

 G.26. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2016), Gendered Division of Labour, Samvad Seminar series, Women’s Studies Research Centre, MS University Baroda, September 29, 2016.

 G.27. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2016), Your money or your life? Anomalies in the Drug Price Control Order, Competition Commission of India, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs Campus, Manesar, August 2-4, 2016..

 G.28. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2016), Competition Policy assessment of Civil Aviation sector in India, Competition Commission of India, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs Campus, Manesar, August 2-4, 2016.

 G.29. Mathur, Ajeet N, (2016), Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity in Entrepreneurship, Keynote Paper, Women’s Day National Seminar on Entrepreneurship Development, Punjabi University Patiala, March 8-9, 2016.

 G.30. Mathur, Ajeet N., (2015), The touch of Midas or the curse of Bhasmasura? Learning from failures of Indian investments in Finland, Paper presented at the R&P Seminar, IIM Ahmedabad, 23 November 2015.

 G.31. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2015), Research Imperatives in Indian Higher Education, FICCI Higher Education Summit 2015, New Delhi, November 3-4, 2015.

 G.32. Paniagua, Roman and Mathur, Ajeet (2015), Residual Agendas and Territorial Conflicts in the EU, Working paper.

 G.33. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2015), Learning from failures of Indian investments in Europe, IMIT Seminar, Centre for International Business Studies, University of Gothenburg, June 15-18, 2015.

 G.34. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2015), “Missing Links in the Gender Equation: Recovering the unconscious dynamics” Round Table on ‘Women in Authority’, International Women’s Day, Centre for Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity, IIM Ahmedabad, March 8-9, 2015.

 G.35. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2013) Managing Cultural Diversity in Residential Task Communities, Basudeopur Residential Park, ITC Munger, October 21, 2013.

 G.36. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2013) The experience of understanding concerns about gender equity, diversity and inclusivity in a local community, GEDI Colloquium, IIM Ahmedabad, October 17, 2013.         

 G.37. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2013), Practising Gender Equity and Gender Harmony in Schools, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghathan Seminar, Kendriya Vidyalaya ONGC Chandkheda, May 21, 2013.

 G.38. Mathur, Ajeet (2013), Frontiers of Hermeneutic Research Methods, Invited Paper to the Doctoral Colloquium for Researchers, IIM Ahmedabad, May 9, 2013.

 G.39. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2013), Relevance  of inter disciplinary inquiries  into  contemporary issues, Keynote Paper for the Researchers’ Seminar organized by School of Inter-disciplinary Studies, IGNOU April 1, 2013.

 G.40. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2013), Change and Continuity, Seminar at Working Conference on Authority, Organisation, Strategies and Politics of Relatedness, Vapi, March 16, 2013.

G.41. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011),  What is different about organising women and men?, GEDI Colloquium, Centre for Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity, IIM Ahmedabad, September 2, 2011.

G.42. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), Attacks on Linking? Projective Identification dynamics in mentor-protégé relations, Ahmedabad Study Circle, Antarnad Foundation, July 22, 2011.

 G.43. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), Why is it difficult for women protégées to find women mentors? Faculty Colloquium, State Bank of India Staff College Hyderabad, July 7, 2011.

 G.44. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), The anchorage of work-life balance in cathartic resistance for exercise of civil countervailing power, Public Discussion Forum on Theme “Women are Heroes” organized by Alliance Francaise d’ Ahmedabad at Gujarat Vishwakosh Trust, June 18, 2011.

 G.45. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), Disharmony in the Management of Gender Differences: Taking a life cycle perspective, Women Entrepreneurs’ Colloquium, Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad May 27, 2011.

G.46. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011)  Developing Multi-cultural Teams, Aalto University, IBLP Colloquium, May 2, 2011.

G.47. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), Strategy as the voice of Authority: Distinguishing leadership from Management, Royal University of Bhutan, Gaeddu College of Business Studies, Workshop on Strategy, Institutional Design and Organisational Processes, April 14, 2011.

 G.48. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011),  Quest for Unity and Harmony in Strategy, Royal University of Bhutan, Gaeddu College of Business Studies, Workshop on Strategy, Institutional Design and Organisational Processes, April 14, 2011.

 G.49. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), “From Dreams to Visioning and Listening” Royal University of Bhutan, Gaeddu College of Business Studies, Workshop on Strategy, Institutional Design and Organisational Processes, April 14, 2011.

 G.50. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011), Unravelling of strategy in open systems, Royal University of Bhutan, Gaeddu College of Business Studies, Workshop on Strategy, Institutional Design and Organisational Processes, April 13, 2011.

G.51. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2011)  Strategy as discovering the present and divining the future, Workshop on Strategy, Institutional Design and Organisational Processes (SIDOP), Royal University of Bhutan, Gaeddu College of Business Studies, Gedu:Chukha, Bhutan, April 13, 2011.

G.52. Mathur, Ajeet N, (2011)  Human Uses of Human Beings, Keynote Paper at Pragyan-2011, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, February 18, 2011.

G.53. Mathur, Ajeet N.(2011), On not stepping into the same river twice, Colloquium on Action Research, Institute of Rural Management, Anand, January 10, 2011.

G.54.Mathur, Ajeet N.(2010),  Finland-India Business Opportunities, Challenges, Gateways, FIER Research and Publications Seminar, IIM Ahmedabad, September 16, 2010.

G.55. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2010) Managing Cultural Diversity in International Business, IAE- Aix-en-Provence, France.

G.56. Mathur, Ajeet N.(2010), New Horizons in Finland-India Business, Finland-India Economic Relations Round Table, World Trade Centre, Turku, Finland, August 26, 2010.

G.57. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2010), The challenges of managing institutional diversity in Finnish-Indian collobarations, BRIC Seminar, Turku School of Economics, Finland, April 26,2010.

G.58. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2010), Discovering Strategy as Grand Design, NDA Instructors’ Colloquium, National Defence Academy, Khadakvasla, April 15, 2010.

G.59. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2010), Corporate Governance: the stool with too few legs,
NICOM 2010 International Conference Plenary Session, Ahmedabad, January 8, 2010.

G.60.Mathur, Ajeet N. (2009), Gender Policies, Legal Aspects and Environment in Relation to Human Development, GEDI Dialogue on Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity, KLMDC Ahmedabad, 14 June 2009.

 G.61. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2009), Researchworthy Inquiries in International Economic Relations at a time of crises, Asia-Pacific School of  Management, New Delhi, May 20, 2009

 G.62. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2009), The Elephant and the Swan: Finland-India synergies, Turku School of Economics Seminar, April 23, 2009.

 G.63. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2009), Management Education in India, Turku School of Economics, April 22, 2009.

 G.64. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2009), Doing Business in India, Turku School of Economics Lecture Series, April 20-22, 2009.

 G.65. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), Prospects for scientific research collaborations in ICT and Biotechnology between Finland and India,   FIER Listening Post Colloquium-II, TEKES-FINPRO-ACADEMY OF FINLAND, New Delhi, November 25, 2008.

 G.66. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), Distant Neighbourliness: Finland’s fast expanding relations with India, Workshop on Finland-India Economic Relations, Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniemi, Finland, August 28, 2008.

 G.67. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008),  Prospects for scientific research collaborations in ICT and Biotechnology between Finland and India,   FIER Listening Post Colloquium-I, TEKES, Helsinki August 21, 2008.

 G.68. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), The scope of scientific research collaborations in Biotechnology between Finland and India, FIER Listening Post Colloquium, Biocity Turku, August 20, 2008.

 G.69. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), Governance, Development, Constitutionalism and Countervailing Power: The four pillars of policy challenges in Nepal, GEFONT Parliamentary Forum, Kathmandu, Nepal, July 10-11, 2008.

 G.70. Mathur, Ajeet N.(2008), Roaming Reflections from sunrise to sunset on a May Day in Delhi, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, May 1, 2008.

 G.71. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008),  Is the transition from centralised planning for the people to district planning by the people a leap in the dark that we dare to take?, Aizawl Secretariat, Mizoram, April 28-29, 2008.

 G.72. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008),  Bridge Under Troubled Waters, Colloquium on Grassroots Planning, Tura and Rongram, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya, April 21-22, 2008.

 G.73. Mathur, Ajeet N.  (2008), “Lets Begin a New Chapter ”, Colloquium on Peace and Development at the signing of the Tamenglong Accord, Tamenglong District, Manipur, April 18, 2008.

 G.74. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), Development Trajectories for India’s North Eastern States, Colloquium, North Eastern Council, Shillong, April 4, 2008.

 G.75. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), The Challenges of Institutional Innovation for designing new educational systems and structures, NTMIS Colloquium, NERIST, Itanagar, April 3, 2008.

 G.76. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), The Limits of  human capabilities and the tension between Doing as I tell you or Doing as you would have done by, ITEC International Programme on Human Capabilities, MEA-IAMR, New Delhi, March 31, 2008.

 G.77.   Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), The Missing Skills Premia in the Indian Labour Market, ILO Employment Seminar Series, ILO-IILS Geneva, March 25, 2008.

 G.78. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), National Training Policy:What kind of roadmap? ILO-MOLE National Policy Consultation Seminar, New Delhi, February 21-22, 2008.

 G.79. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2008), India’s Human Capital and a vision for IAMR, Keynote Paper, 46th Foundation Day of IAMR, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, January 31, 2008.    

 G.80. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), The paradox of missing skills premium for engineering graduates and diploma holders in Tamilnadu: implications for policy, BOAT Colloquium, Chennai, December 11, 2007.

 G.81. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), Innovations, Competitiveness, Competition Policies and Intellectual Property Rights-the agenda Ahead, NISTADS Workshop on Competitiveness and IPRs, New Delhi, November 3, 2007.

 G.82. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), Choosing between Resource Development and Response Development: an eternal dilemma in structuring cross-border inter-group interactions, ITEC International Programme on Human Resource Planning and Development, New Delhi, October 31, 2007.

 G.83. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), The crisis in managing school education, National Knowledge Commission and Dell Foundation Colloquium, October 26, 2007.

 G.84.   Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), Togo: How to ruin a Country, Case presentation at the Case Workshop in the ITEC International programme for participants from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas , October 3, 2007

 G.85. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007)., Planning at the Grassroots: Some process issues concerning the capacity of panchayati raj institutions to make district plans, Seminar on District Planning, CRID, Chandigarh, 27-29.9.2007.

 G.86. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), Designing Research Inquiries using survey methodologies, Workshop on Survey Methodologies, Institute of Applied Manpower Research, New Delhi , September 25, 2007.

 G.87. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), The structuring and financing of a National Skills Mission for India, Consultative Seminar, Planning Commission, New Delhi, June 22, 2007.

 G.88.   Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), Rediscovering or reinventing the Saraswati knowledge traditions? An action research proposal, Knowledge Management Symposium, ONGC Dehradun, June 19-20, 2007.

 G.89. Mathur, Ajeet N. (2007), Applied Manpower Research for National Skills Development: Issues and Challenges for structuring a National Skills Mission, Paper presented to the Seventh Meeting of the IAMR Review Committee, Planning Commission, April 10, 2007, New Delhi.

 G.90. Mathur, Ajeet N.  ‘What learning is of most worth?’ Paper presented at the National Science Day Colloquium, Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Chennai, February 28, 2007.

 G.91. Mathur, Ajeet N. ‘Arenas of Innovation and the care and feeding of ideas’, Paper presented at the regional R&D colloquium in Chennai on February 27, 2007.

H. Case Studies (2006-20)

 I.1 ITC (A)                                    IIMA/BP/0313A with Teaching Note

 I.2 ITC (B)                                    IIMA/BP/0313B with Teaching Note

 I.3 Slow as the Proverbial Snail?   IIMA/BP/IB1

 I.4 Thermax ‘A’                            IIMA/BP/0319A with Teaching Note

 I.5 Thermax ‘B’                            IIMA/BP/0319B with Teaching Note

 I.6 Thermax ‘C’                            IIMA/BP/0319C with Teaching Note

 I.7 Oilon                                        IIMA/BP/336 with Teaching Note

 1.8 Chemistry looks to the Future at Innovassynth Technologies IIMA/BP/367 with Teaching Note

 I.9 Endless Choices in an Investors’ Paradise: The Case of Togo IIMA/ECO/356 with Teaching Note

 1.10 Lal Pathlabs (A) IIMA/BP0408(A) with Teaching Note (Harvard Business School collection has included this case also in their case bank)

 1.11 Lal Pathlabs (B) IIMA/BP0408(B) with Teaching Note (Harvard Business School collection has included this case also in their case bank)

 1.12 Growth stall at TEGA IIMA/BP/0444 with Teaching Note 

 1.13 Wicked problem at Inspiron IIMA/BP/0446 with Teaching Note

 1.14 Innovassynth Technologies IIMA/BP/0445 with Teaching Note


Case-Studies of the period 1977-2005 are not in the IIMA case bank and are in three parts:

(a) Part of IIM Calcutta collection (17 of these are published by the ILO)

(b) Part of IIM Bangalore collection

(c) Part of Aalto University and Tampere University collection

Dr. Ajeet Mathur