My thoughts...
My thoughts... as we ring in the New Year in India in 2025
- What all should we be saying Goodbye to ?
- The world is in an unprecedented flux. Institutions are collapsing, polarities are rising, inter-group hatred is exploding violently, climate change adversities are increasing..Is planning now futile?
- Have we entered a period of de-globalisation where the national, regional and local introduce centrifugal forces stronger than centripetality of universal multilateralism?
- Commitments must be made, promises kept, injustices fought, the needy helped, family and friends cherished, communities strengthened, traumas healed, and a certain amount of evil tolerated until it becomes possible to confront it, eliminate it, mitigate it
- What can be done about the assaults on dignity, privacy and humanity of persons like you and me from the growing surveillance by governments abusing stealthpower, and artificial juridical persons with wealthpower exercising more power than natural persons ?
- I seem to have more questions than answers.
- What truths and facts as we know them until now will be found to be mere myths by 2030?